"Ricky? Where's my co-host?" Vivi was wandering around backstage,
mostly waiting for Ricky to get his butt up there. The show started in
ten minutes, and she was pretty much the only one there. She adjusted
the ridiculous green and red and gold elf costume they made her wear.
"We found him!" A stage hand shouted from off to the side of the
stage. Ricky soon came up to the stage, closely followed by his rock
star friend Rina Starr. Vivi always had her suspicions about the two
being more than friends, and she really wouldn't be surprised if they
were together and flaunting the rules.
"LIVE IN ONE MINUTE! PLACES EVERYONE!" The stage manager barked out.
Ricky walked up casually, using his cane to guide him. He ran a hand
through his hair as if to check his hair and he grinned looking
absently in front of himself. "Sorry, got lost on the way from make
up." It was no doubt true. His own elf costume looked absolutely
perfect. Not one wrinkle, or button out of place. "Get ready to smile
big for the cameras!"
"Always am," Vivi said, and then the two were ushered onto the stage.
Ricky ditched the cane, letting Vivi lead him out, and they looked
incredibly casual. Knowing her luck, after tonight, he'll be her
boyfriend or something. He was supposed to be dating some cute, young,
thing, around his age, but he jumped from girl to girl like flies on
the trash heap. And three, two, one....
"Happy Holidays everyone, we're live for the first annual Lux
Christmas!" Ricky recited perfectly. "I'm Ricky Dickenson."
"And I'm Vivienne Karina." She said, going over the script that was on
the teleprompter. Hopefully Ricky didn't improvise too much and throw
her off. He had a tendency to do that, especially when he forgot his
lines. He made it look flawless of course, so nobody knew the
difference, but when the teleprompter and show were based on certain
cues, well, this could prove to be a very interesting night. "Welcome
as we broadcast live, around the world, to over 100 countries, from
the North Pole." Ricky made air quotes as she said that, which got a
laugh from the audience that was watching from the theater. "What's
that for Ricky? Don't you believe in the North Pole?"
"Of course I believe in the North Pole! I only live there!"
"So then what's with the," Vivi repeated his hand gesture playfully.
They were off, scheduled to make playful banter for about five minutes
until the opening skit featuring Ricky's ex girlfriend, or rather one
of the many there, playing slutty mcslut elf for the evening. She was
a super model, and there would be an on going theme of all the models
playing ditzy elves for the evening to add some fluff and kill time
before the major acts. That certainly wouldn't be a stretch for them
to play.
"Well, I saw a penguin on my way in from parking my sleigh, so I was a
little confused at first, but then I realized that he was probably
just on vacation." He paused for his comedic timing. This script was
absolutely terrible.
"Why would anyone want to vacation at the North Pole?"
"Where is a penguin supposed to vacay? Iceland."
"Iceland is green sweetie, don't you mean Greenland?"
"Why would a penguin want to go somewhere it's green for vacation?
Unless he got tired of looking at all the snow!"
Vivi didn't say anything and just shook her head with a smile, playing
along with his 'stupid' nature. Ricky was incredibly smart, but he
made a living off of being dumb. She did make a certain look though,
and that got a number of laughs. On cue, the sexy, super model, elf
walked out onto the stage. Ricky took a cue to look over at her
general location.
"Talk about melting ice caps! What can we help you with Heather?" And
then she introduced the sexy, super model elves, and the lights
dimmed, so they could do their first of several dances. Vivi quickly
left the stage and got a glass of water.
Vivi found her sister getting ready for her act. Lexy was doing a
couple songs on her own, then doing a duet with Page from Dreem.
"You look like a snowflake." Vivi remarked, looking her sister up and
down. The woman literally looked like she was covered in snow. She had
thousands of crystals glued to a skin tight body suit, and lobster
claw heels to match. Even her hair had been braided and stuck out at
all angles, made to look like a snowflake.
"The costume designer had to pour me into this suit. If I unzip it, I
will melt out all over the floor."
"You should see some of the other costumes."
"Like yours? Sis, that is TAME."
"No," Vivi said stiffly. "I was referring to the scantily clad snow
bunnies playing beach volleyball on stage right now." The two both
looked out at the stage and shook their head. "You're on next right?"
Her sister nodded, "Yeah, I go out, do a little dance, make a little
love, then I'm back on later with that kid from Dreem, I think. I got
a little bit though. I think his girlfriend, wife, whatever she is, is
doing something first."
"VIVIENNE TO THE STAGE PLEASE." Someone shouted down the hallway of
dressing rooms.
Vivi rolled her eyes a little and gave her sister the 'we'll talk
later' eyes, and then she was out on the stage to introduce the next
* * * * *
Ricky couldn't help but shiver under her touch, Rina had the most
amazing hands. She knew that he liked them too, seeing as how they
were the only way to show him how much she really cared. He couldn't
just look into her eyes and see it, though sometimes he could feel her
gaze on him, and that was sometimes enough. Sometimes, and it felt
like so much had been keeping them apart. Now something was different.
What was so different? Was it just because it was Christmas?
"I have to go," he whispered.
She shook her head at him, even if he couldn't see it. "No, this is
the longest break I get. Not allowed. Lie!"
"I can't lie, it's Christmas." he teased.
"Oh, like you haven't already earned yourself about five million bags
worth of coal!"
"Shut up! Why would I wanna hook up with someone mean now!"
"Cuz you still love me. Even though I'm the meanest girl in town."
"This is true. So, have I unearned those five million bags of
coal...?" He was quickly cut off when Rina pulled him in, kissing him
Ricky thought he heard his name being called again, and couldn't
decide whether to push her away before people started looking for them
and they got into trouble or keep kissing her. He could still feel her
hands on him, moving up the sides of his face and into his hair. And
he decided to keep kissing her.
Rina couldn't believe he hadn't pushed her away. But then again, she
could believe that he didn't want to stop. They were normally so
cautious, so careful not to get caught, but tonight it was full steam
ahead. And it showed. Ricky's hands were traveling all over her body,
as if he were trying to read the words in Braille that her goose bumps
were making. She shivered and bit his lip gently.
"What, cold are we?" he whispered into her ear, making her shiver even
more. The hands sliding up the front of her shirt weren't helping
"It is a Christmas special. And your hands are cold!" She managed to
say before his hands went further up. She groaned softly, and turned
him around, sandwiching herself between him and the wall.
He grinned in the dim light of the closet, "I think I should warm them up."
* * * * *
Vivi was struggling through the script on her own. She had to make up
some kind of excuse for Ricky, and she was pissed. He could do
the next bit on his own, though she doubted that he would struggle
anywhere near as badly. That in and of itself wasn't very fair. She
got off the stage and sighed, immediately going to the water bottle
and chugging.
"Well, well, well, I knew you liked the drink," Garrett Wendlant
commented, "But I wasn't aware that you liked it that much to sneak it
onto set like this."
"I didn't," Vivi deadpanned. "I just have friends in high places who
know how to perform the miracle of water to vodka. It is Christmas
after all."
"Oh, you want to play today!" Garrett actually laughed, and Vivi
wasn't sure if she should worry or take a picture of it. He was so
incredibly confusing.
Vivi didn't bother to acknowledge that. She did, however, roll her
eyes, and take another big swig of her water bottle. "Mmmm, tasty.
Want a hit?" She asked, holding the bottle out to him. "Eat, drink,
and be merry and all that jazz."
"See, while it's perfectly fine for you to show up to work completely
sloshed, I don't have that luxury." He explained casually. "After all,
I actually have to work, not just read off of a piece of paper and
call it 'acting'." His eyes moved past her and towards the stage where
the sexy Santa’s elves were busy doing something or another. This
confirmed that he wasn't at least 100% gay. Spandex had a way of
revealing true feelings quite well. Why did she care though? He was a
She had a great come back for him, but it was interrupted by the loud
music that was part of Lexy's show with the boy from Dreem, Page, or
something like that. Instead of continuing on with Garrett, she
decided to go find a more quiet place and try to deal with her growing
headache. How much longer of this did she have to deal with? She was
pretty sure Garrett had said something to her as she walked away, but
whatever it was, she didn't hear it.
* * * * *
"I love you," Ricky whispered, but he wasn't sure if Rina could hear
it. After all, he could barely hear himself, and that was probably a
good thing. He hadn't anticipated for things to get so hot so fast,
but they had, and that music was the only thing that had stopped them
from getting found out.
Rina only kissed him, and poked his nose gently. She had to go before
anyone got any ideas. "Merry Christmas!"
"Merry...." He trailed off as he felt her leave, the sudden cold from
the absence of her body sending shivers up and down his skin. He
sighed deeply, wondering what had just happened. She did love him, he
knew that, but something felt strange. He couldn't help but wonder if
this was some kind of Christmas miracle, and that things would only
start getting worse for them.
It only took him a moment to adjust his clothing and make his way back
to where he was supposed to be waiting when he wasn't on the stage.
"Sorry," he told one of the handlers in the back. "I got lost and-."
"And your make up is ruined," They said and dragged him along the
floor. He stumbled a lot. They were moving too fast for him to utilize
his cane, and he couldn't dodge any obstacles. When they stopped
suddenly at what he could only assume was the make up station, he
nearly face planted into the floor.
"Sorry! It's really hot back there."
* * * * *
"There you are!" Vivi grumbled as Ricky was lead back to the stage,
"What took you so long?" She rolled her eyes, and took a deep breath
so she wouldn't throw a bitch fit. He smelled... off, like he'd been
up to some naughty activities during his brief disappearance. "Keep it
in your pants during our next break, they'll be keeping a close eye on
you now." She whispered, so the stage manager and her assistant nearby
wouldn't hear her.
The look on Ricky's face was one of astonishment and confusion. Vivi
shook her head, and grabbed his hand, "Come on, we have to introduce
the next act, that asshole gymnast is on next. Time to screw in our
They went out onto the stage, holding hands and grinning ear to ear
like they were happy to be there.
"Weren't they just wonderful?" Vivi asked Ricky, grinning at him brightly.
"Oh, yes! Those are some cute elves!" Ricky said, God, this script was awful.
"Next up, we have Garrett Wendlant, Lux's star gymnast, who will be
amazing us with his skills on the trapeze. And he'll be looking
absolutely fab-u-lous while doing so!" She made sure to put a bit of
an emphasis on "fabulous" even giving herself a slight jokingly 'gay'
tone. That wasn't on the script, and Vivi could see her assistant's
jaw drop. She could only imagine the shit storm she would be getting
the next day.
"Sparkling!" Ricky said, nodding. The lights dimmed, and they slipped
off stage, passing Garrett as he headed on for his act. He looked a
little peeved, to say the least. Vivi had gotten the last laugh for
the time being.
Garrett's routine was perfect, as usual, never slipping up once.
That's why he was a gold medalist. The routine was supposed to tell a
story, but it didn't. In the end it just looked like an elegant mix
of body contortions that sparkled under the lighting. Why was it so
Rina was the next headline act. She'd cleaned up, and had her makeup
redone after her and Ricky's interlude in the broom closet, and came
out looking like the pop-punk princess she was. As Vivi lead Ricky off
stage, Rina grabbed his hand and gave it a small squeeze. She couldn't
give him a small meaningful smile like most couples did, so she made
do with touch. Which she didn't mind at all. It was also more discreet
than anything visual, which she was all over. No one could know about
them, not yet. Despite everything, she felt more at peace, now that
they were with each other. She felt whole.
The lights onstage were dimmed, and Rina took a deep breath and
adjusted her microphone stand. When the lights brightened and the
music tore through the room, she flashed a quick grin, then launched
into the first song of her show. She was told to do a couple Christmas
songs, then one of her more popular songs. But she had other plans.
Her manager was going to kill her, she thought to herself as she
grabbed her acoustic guitar and a stool from off stage.
"Okay, guys. I have a very special Christmas present for all my fans
watching. It's a song from the new album I'm working on, and it's
dedicated to someone very special to me. " And that special someone
had never heard it before. But Rina hoped Ricky knew it was for him.
"You're not alone
Together we stand
I'll be by your side
You know I'll take your hand
When it gets cold
And it feels like the end
There's no place to go
You know I won't give in
No, I won't give in
Keep holding on
Cause you know we'll make it through
We'll make it through
Just stay strong
Cause you know I'm here for you
I'm here for you
There's nothing you can say
Nothing you can do
There's no other way when it comes to the truth
So keep holding on
Cause you know we'll make it through
We'll make it through...." (Thanks to Avril Lavigne)
She finished the song, and left the stage to applause, looking at the
stunned faces of everyone running the show. Her manager looked like
she was going to blow a gasket, and Rina quickly dodged the fuming
she-devil, and into her dressing room, the door to which was locked
behind her as soon Ricky slipped in behind her.
"I don't want to be presumptuous," Ricky said softly, "But you did
mean that for me right?"
"You can be presumptuous all you want," Rina said with a soft smile.
"Because you're always right with them."
"So then I can assume that you love me like I do you right?" He whispered.
"Don't ever doubt it babe. Ever."
He nodded at her slowly and tried to maneuver his way to her so he
could hold her. After a moment of struggling, she came to him instead
and put her arms around him gently. "Well when you word it like
She kissed his cheek, then his jaw, and then his neck.
* * * * *
There were more sexy elves flaunting their assets to kill some time in
between the next act. Ricky's ex was reading "A Visit from St.
Nicholas" to children from the state orphanage, and everyone else was
taking a nice, long break.
Vivi was flopped on a random bean bag backstage, listening to the
model read to the children. Lexy showed up, having changed out of her
usually crazy clothes, and into a more normal tee shirt and leggings.
"Hot chocolate?" Lexy asked, holding out a hot cup to Vivi. Vivi took
it gratefully, and as soon as she took a sip, she sputtered in
"I need a little Irish in my life, huh? Everyone's gonna talk, you know."
Lexy laughed and flopped down next to her sister, resting her head on
Vivi's shoulder. "Everyone should a little Irish in them. So, verdict.
Garrett Wendlant, gay as all hell or no? I saw you talking to him
"Not as much as the media lets on. I'm pretty sure I saw him go from 6
to Midnight when the elves were finishing up earlier."
"Aw, hell, sis. I went from 6 to midnight at the end of their last
act!" Lexy said, laughing and sipping her spiked hot chocolate. Vivi
giggled softly, keeping her grin hidden by the hot cup. "Then what
about his marriage...?" Lexy added quietly, slipping into her
thoughts. Vivi shrugged, and shook her head.
"I dunno. Maybe he bats for both teams. Who cares? I certainly don't."
She rolled her eyes. But, she did care. The way she felt when he
looked at her, when they traded insults and sarcastic jabs annoyed her
in the most pleasant way possible. What did she want though? yet
another fling? Not with this one. She had that feeling in her gut, the
one that said not to love and leave this one. It was new territory
that she shouldn't even be trespassing into. He was married, and she
was always busy with her work. There wasn't time for an extended
affair. Though, she thought to herself, she would make time for this
one if anything happened.
She looked up, and spied her co-host and Rina Starr coming from her
dressing room. She thought she saw their hands unclasp as they came
through the door. Rina's manager had been stomping around outside the
door since Rina had gotten off stage. Vivi just didn't see what the
big deal was. So the girl wanted to showcase a song from her new
album. Big flipping deal. Lexy did it all the time. She had a new
album coming out soon, and she was always giving little previews at
her shows. One song here, another there, it wasn't that big of a deal.
Unless the managers knew that there really was more going on, and
Ricky and Rina were not being as discrete as they thought.
There was only one more act before the end of the show. The big
finale number where everyone came out and looked 'dazzling'. Then
they could unwind, hit the after party, and finally go home to go to
"ALRIGHT! WE'RE ALMOST DONE!" The stage manager called out. "LET'S
Vivi rolled her eyes and got ready to make her final entrance for the
night. Ricky was already being ushered out onto stage to do what he
did best - be cute and entertaining. She was supposed to be a part of
the massive singing group for the big ending number. Ricky couldn't
carry a tune to save his life, so he had the duty of introducing it
all. Of course, nothing could go smoothly. Not far off, Garrett was
doing what he did best, and making life miserable for his
brother-in-law Page. Tru was nearby flirting with one of the sexy
elves - doing what he did best. Everyone was slowly getting into
their places.
"How is it that he knows how to treat a woman and you don't? It can't
purely be the lack of shared genetics can it?" Garrett quipped at
Page. Vivi knew little of why Garrett would care so much about that.
Unless he was trying to imply something about his sister-in-law Kaden?
Or rather, about how Page treated Kaden. Page didn't respond to him,
and that just kept Garrett going. "I mean, I guess it could be the
age thing too. After all, 12 year olds certainly don't know much of
anything. Do they?"
Page turned to Garrett and stared at him darkly. His fists were
clenched at his sides. "I told you to stop saying that. I told you
if you did it one more time I was gonna-."
"Punch me? Yes, and you haven't yet, so I think that says something
now doesn't it." Garrett was about to make another comment, but
stopped when Page's fist came in contact with his jaw. The force
caused Garrett to stumble back, but once his shock had passed, his
eyes narrowed and he threw a punch at Page. This fist came in contact
with the boy's shoulder, knocking him completely over. Then Page
It was chaos. The two young men were practically rolling on the
floor, yelling, cursing, and doing everything they possibly could to
hurt the other. Kaden had run out from the dressing room, and started
screaming at them both to stop the fighting, while the stage crew
desperately tried to pull the two apart. Ricky was given the order to
stretch the program - though he didn't seem to know why. Vivi was
tempted to go out and rescue him, give him a hand, but he looked like
he was doing a well enough job of that on his own.
"Page stop please!" Kaden pleaded as she watched her husband wail on
Garrett. Garrett had his arms up to shield his face, but didn't
strike back. He was taking the defensive route, which made him much
more mature than Vivi would have originally thought.
Page stopped and looked over at Kaden for a moment, still holding onto
Garrett by the collar of the shirt. "I am more of a man than you will
EVER be," He said darkly and finally let the man go.
"Whatever helps you sparkle," Garrett practically spat as he picked
himself up off of the ground. "Believe whatever you want."
"Sparkling is your territory," Page snapped back.
That one comment sent Garrett after Page all over again. He gave Page
a hard shove that knocked him out from behind back stage and into the
spotlight. Then another, and then another, until Page was back on the
ground. Page reached out and tripped Garrett, and then the fight was
back on, on the stage, in front of a live audience. Ricky was still
oblivious, that is, he was until they rolled into him and knocked him
over too.
"HEY!" Ricky shouted, and that was enough to get both the other two
men's attention. "If you're not careful you'll get on Santa's naughty
list!" Vivi had to commend him, making a joke like that and trying to
make the fight fit into the script. "I mean, really elves! Fighting?
On Christmas? In front of 20 million people? Around the world!?"
She got great satisfaction watching Garrett's face pale, and Page
looked absolutely mortified as he tried to think of something to say.
Neither was much of an actor.
"I'm going in!" Vivi muttered, adjusted her hat, and stepped out onto
the stage with a big smile. She put an arm around Page reassuringly,
and then gave Garrett a look to follow her lead 'or else', and then
she sang. "Oh! You better watch out, you better not cry, you better
pout, I'm telling you why. Santa Claus is coming to town." And soon
Page was matching harmonies with her.
One by one, the rest of the stars came out onto the stage, completely
improvising with their various talents. It went smoothly for something
that was done on the wing. No one looked like they knew better. As
far as the audience was concerned, this was just how it was supposed
to be. Vivi would be getting a bonus for that. Lux's perfect image
was once again preserved.
Ricky signed them off. "Goodnight everyone! Thanks for joining us!"
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